
People from Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities experience particularly high rates of poor health and disease. For example, rates of diabetes are 5 or 6 times higher in British-Pakistani and British-Bangladeshi people than the UK general population.

Since 2015, we have worked with the Genes & Health medical research study led by Queen Mary University to address these health inequalities.

What is Genes & Health?

Genes & Health is the biggest scientific study in the world researching genetics in people of Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage. Over 55,000 people have already volunteered to take part.

By looking more closely at how genes work, and how diseases develop in these groups, it will be possible to develop medicines and treatments and improve health for these communities.

Our Involvement

Our involvement with Genes & Health started in 2015, when we were approached to become a community partner for the study. Throughout our involvement, we have raised community awareness of the study and collected thousands of genetic samples for the study from community settings. We also sit on the Executive Committee and Community Advisory Group for the project.

For more information about the study or to take part, visit genesandhealth.org